The whole point of going to the library is that it's free, right?
Well, that doesn't help when I'm not able to get to the library and return the FIVE videos which that I checked out for Alex. Videos which cost a dollar a day PER VIDEO every day that they're late. Sigh.
I really do think that I'm my own worst enemy.
When I go to return the overdue videos and pay the piper, so to speak, the differences between Southern California and North Carolina make themselves very clear. That's why I love this place so much.
Picture this scene:
I walk into the library, kids in tow, put the overdue videos in the drop-box, heave a huge sigh, and go up to the counter.
I hand the girl behind the counter Alex's library card because I'm not sure which card the videos were rented on.
Biting the bullet, I fess up right away, "There's going to be some fines on our card, I'm not sure which one they're on though."
She scans the card in and looks at the computer, "Okay, let's see... Nope, not on this one."
I dig out my library card, "They must be on this one then."
She scans in my card. "Oh."
In Southern California, my astronomical fines wouldn't have caused the cranky woman behind the counter to bat an eyelash. In this case though, the librarian leans closer to me, and whispers, "You owe $19 in overdue fines."
I guess she didn't want to humiliate me.
Bless her heart.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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