So I was working at The Grocery Store Friday night, and it was about 11:30. At this point in the night, it's just me, the overnight manager, and the stockers. A young man walked in and handed me some coupons for two free packs of cigarettes, and I didn't think anything of it. I rang him up, and my register required an override from a manager because the free product went above a certain amount. No big deal, right? Right. I paged my manager, he came up to the front, and did the override.
His password didn't work.
He tried it again. His password still didn't work.
You see, when the register requires an override, there's no way to continue ringing anything else up until you resolve the override. Sigh.
Now we normally don't have anyone (and I'm not exaggerating here, I really mean that the store is empty) in the store at this time of night, but tonight (of course) we had five other people in line. Twenty minutes, two phone calls, one grumpy woken up manager, and five pissed off customers later, we finally got another drawer open and I was able to check out the rest of the folks in line.
I'm surprised they didn't riot.
Gosh, I love working at The Grocery Store.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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