Monday, November 10, 2008


So, how screwed are you when you're so poor that even the IRS won't collect on you?

I'd really appreciate it if someone would let me know because I'm apparently there.

I'm still a little shell-shocked to tell you the truth. Because believe you me, it was with much fear and trepidation that I called the IRS to tell them that I wanted to do something to take care of the insanely large (well, at least to me) amount of money that I owe them. So, I finally pulled myself up by the bootstraps, called and explained myself to the surprisingly nice lady on the other end of the line. She asked for my financial info, and based on that, my account is considered not collectible at this time.


Like I said, you're some kind of screwed when even the IRS understands that they can't get any money from you.

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