Sunday, September 28, 2008

Don't Try This at Home

I'm car-less, which is a sad state to be in.

Well, I suppose that I'm technically not car-less because I'm currently borrowing my Grandmother's car.

The Grey Ghost.

It's a '95 Ford Taurus that's a wing and a prayer away from falling apart. The air-conditioning is broken, the windshield wipers are on the verge of giving out, and the parking brake light is always on. All this doesn't bother me one little bit, (except when it's raining and I can't defog the windows because the air-conditioner's broken) I'm just grateful to have a car that will get me to and from work.

Thursday, however, was a different story.

I had just pulled into the parking lot at school, and I was putting lipstick on before going into work. I turned the rearview mirror so that I could see... and it came off in my hand. No, I'm not kidding. It took me a second to comprehend that the rearview mirror had just detached from the windshield.

So, for the last two days, I've been driving around with no rearview mirror. It's been fun. And nerve-wracking, and dangerous. Oh, and did I mention nerve-wracking?

My first priority tomorrow is to go down to Auto Zone and get epoxy so I can stick the damn thing back on...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I don't want someone to save,
I don't want someone to save me,
I just want someone to walk beside.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sorry It's Been So Quiet...

It's been a little hectic around here lately, it's been my first week of work at Alex's school.

I absolutely love it, and I promise I'll tell you more about it when I'm more coherent.

I work at the school Monday through Friday from 8:15 to 2:15, and then I work at The Grocery Store Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 6pm to midnight. This week I worked Saturday, Sunday, and Monday at The Grocery Store because I wasn't sure when I would start at school, so I'm still out of it.

Alex's bus comes at 6:45, so I get up at 6 and then get Alex up at 6:30, get him ready, feed him breakfast, and walk him out to the bus. Then I run into the house, get Sarah out of bed, and put her in the carseat with a bottle (she eats breakfast at the sitter's). The traffic away from our house is horrendous, so Sarah and I have to leave the house at seven to get to the sitter's house (which takes me ten minutes to get to when there isn't any traffic) at 7:45, so I can get to the school at 8:15.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Last of the Great Mutant Cucumbers

Alas, growing season is over in our part of the country. The tomato vines had reached monstrous (and seedy) proportions. The cucumber vine had a strangle-hold on everything else in the vegetable bed and started to creep beyond the box. Everything was way beyond its prime, we need to start planting fall crops, and so, the Mutant Cucumber Vine is gone...

...But not before I saved the last few Mutant Cucumbers to share with you!

As you can see, the last of its progeny did not reach the huge proportions of the previous batches, but they're still very odd in shape and color. Although, the one on the right is closer to the shade of a normal cucumber.... Yes? No?

Maybe it's just wishful thinking.