Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I hate EOG's and Sarah has strep throat.



  1. Whatever happened to your postitive comments? Did you lose God? Is your focus where it should be...on your children? And God? Maybe you should reconnect and take a look at your life and surroundings? Are you heading down the right path? Or did you vear off? Is your center of friends where it should be? Are you staying connect to the right people? Do they really care about you or are you a convenience? Just a thought because you aren't sounding to happy. Be sure to keep the little one away from others so they don't get sick :)

  2. First of all, as a single mom my focus is on nothing but my children and I resent the implication that it is anywhere but. Secondly, my life is tough. I don't know who you are, (since you decide to always post as anonymous) your life might be tough too, but just realize that my life is hard.

    So forgive me if not every post on this blog is sunshine and roses, because my life sure isn't.

    When you are struggling to put food on the table, keep the lights on, have a vehicle that's held together by prayer and duct tape that you hope to God starts every morning so that you can get to work to earn money to support your kids because their father refuses to help, you don't always have the best attitude.

    So yeah, sometimes I'm a downer, sometimes I'm negative, sometimes things are more than I can handle and I get overwhelmed, but that doesn't call into question where my heart is, where my relationship with my children is, where my relationship with my God is. I thank God every day for my kids and the fact that we're not out on the street and that we're surrounded by family and friends that love us and look out for us.

    And by the way, I would love to not have my daughter in daycare being raised by someone else and being where she's exposed to Lord knows what kind of illnesses, I have to work so that she has a roof over her head and food on the table.

    Please take that into account the next time you decide to comment.

  3. aMamasHeartForeverMay 31, 2010 at 1:14 PM

    The concern comes from a single mom who has been there and knows your struggles. Take care in whom you lean on and turn to in times of trouble, pain, need and loneliness. Lean not on yourself or others, lean on God. From experience, it can cause great pain for all, especially the children.

    When life gives you a hundred reasons to frown...give it a thousand reasons to smile.

    Imagine if EOGs are tough on you, how tough they are on the children.

    Why a parent would choose not to be a part or help with their children's lives is beside me. What has brought him to this point? You haven't said. It can be tough but it can also be for the better being a single mom! The children bring so much happiness and are worth the struggle. It's important to be careful during these times not to make wrong choses during stuggles, fear and loneliness. It can be so easy to think things are right when they are so wrong if only you look, pray and ask for wisdom and understanding. You're still in my prayers.


I'd love to hear from you, I really would.