Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dinner anyone?

Well, my folks are out of town for the week, they've left us with mighty slim provisions, and I've run out of money. So, what's a girl to do? My fallback method: scour the fridge and freezer to see what protein you have available and then search the internet for recipes that fit what you have. Sad, I know.

In my rummage of the freezer I came across a roll of Jimmy Dean Sausage, and after my search of the Jimmy Dean website (it only made sense) I settled on this recipe. I hope my arteries can forgive me. I'll probably serve it with scrambled eggs. I suppose it's high time that I make biscuits and gravy considering I'm living in the South. Sheesh. You'd think I'd get with the program a little quicker. 

Well I'll let you guys know how it turned out. Y'all come back now, ya hear?

My grandmother came over to visit, and she took us to Taco Bell for dinner. Alas, I remain uninitiated, but I can make a mean glass of sweet tea.  


  1. Hi Jen,

    You don't know me, but I was touched by your comment on PW's website about life plans, so I came on over to your blog :-) Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and your kids! BTW, I'm 25 and moving all the way to Cali from a lifetime on the east coast in less than a month...changes in plans are something, huh?


  2. Hi Karen,

    You are too sweet, and you don't know how much it means to know that someone is praying for us. We need all the help we can get.

    And yes, changes in plans are definitely something. I hope your move to Cali goes well. Let me know if you're moving to Southern California, I can give you a crash course in surviving the culture shock. ; )

    Take care,



I'd love to hear from you, I really would.