Thursday, July 24, 2008

It Makes A Mother Proud

So my mom took my son into "The Grocery Store" the other day while I was at work. They weren't at my store, but I wish they had been, it would have been priceless.  They were at the one across town. 

They finished shopping and got up to the checkout stand. And my son, talkative little thing that he is, started chatting with the cashier. It went something like this:

Alex*: "Hi, how are you?"

Cashier: "Good, how are you doing?"

Alex: "Good. My mom works at "The Grocery Store." "

Cashier: "Oh! Really? Does she like her job?"

Alex: "Not really. She says the pay is pretty lousy."

Cashier: "Oh." Her face fell and she said, "Well, we'll keep that our little secret."

Gosh I love that kid. 

* I've decided against using my kids real names in my blog. So, no, this isn't his real name, but he did pick it out himself. ; )

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