Monday, July 28, 2008

Trifle Recipe. I know, I know, I promised to have it up yesterday...

Sorry, with church and family stuff, things got out of hand and I never got around to posting it. Okay, enough excuses. On to the recipe.

Well, it's not a recipe per se. It's more of a... methodology I suppose. You can change ingredients as the mood suits you, and I promise that you can't screw it up. Well, I take that back. If you're the type that can burn water then maybe you could screw this up, but it's very difficult to do (mess it up, I mean.) 

Summer Fruit Trifle

- 1 package of yellow cake mix 
  and the ingredients that you need to make the cake
- Jell-o Vanilla pudding mix and, you guessed it, 
  the ingredients that it takes to make the pudding
- 1 Peach cut into slices
- 1 package of raspberries
- 1 small package of strawberries sliced

Make the cake "according to the package directions." I can't believe I just said that...
Aaaannnyway, same with the pudding. 

If you're really crunched for time, you can certainly use a pre-made cake and pre-made pudding. Not that I've ever done that of course... coughcough.

Now, find yourself a nice glass container. It really doesn't matter what you use. I used a plastic punch bowl up until my mother-in-law got me a gorgeous trifle bowl for Christmas one year. A honest to goodness Trifle bowl. Specifically for Trifle. I didn't even know that they made such a thing until I got one, but I digress. 

Once you've finished making the cake and the pudding, let both of them cool a bit. Then, take that beautiful cake that you've just meticulously baked and crumble it into tiny bits. Sorry. 

Now we're going to layer it into your container. Half of the cake, then half of the pudding, then (are we sensing a theme yet?) half of your fruit. Repeat the process, arranging your fruit nicely on the top layer. You wanna flaunt it folks because, let's face it, Trifle looks ridiculously impressive once you're done with it even though it's dead simple to make. 

Well, there you have it. A trifle. Good luck, and please let me know how it turns out if you get around to making one. I'd love to see pictures too, and I promise that I'll get around to posting mine up. Technical difficulties you know.

Please don't feel constrained to just this one way of doing it though. This dessert is really fun to play around with, and of course you sometimes have to be flexible depending on what fruit is in season. I once made a really wicked no-fruit version that consisted of chocolate cake, dulche de leche ice cream topping, Cool Whip, and chopped nuts. My friends, it was sinfully, insanely, ridiculously decadent and rich and I haven't made it since. Probably something to do with not wanting to have my thighs expand exponentially...

So be free, go nuts, be creative, and let me know what you make.

Love ya,

~ Jen

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